services in russell



Westpac ATM machine is located between Delish and Hanks Sushi on Cass Street.



Parking in town is restricted to 30 minute and 60 minute parking. For longer parking, park on the outskirts of town where there is no restrictions.



Public Toilets are located directly across from the Four Square on York Street.



Cinema Kororareka: Our own cinema in Russell. Too good to be true? Not at all. Our very own Frank Edwards brings us hand picked films three nights a week. There are great food deals to be had too, with three local restaurants giving excellent deals on the food and movie combo. Movies are shown upstairs in the town hall, 7pm Fri, Sat and Sun.



Get married in Russell! Russell Information Centre is happy to help you organise your wedding by supplying a list of trusted vendors from the local area.  Wedding venues, Russell based photographers and every other service you may need, all in one convenient place. All services can be booked through the Russell Information Centre.



Russell Medical Centre is located at 16 – 18 Church Street Russell. Hours are 9 – 4:30 Monday to Friday. Principal doctors are Dr Ian Birch and Dr Chris Calcott, who are business partners. A great place to visit if you are sick, otherwise go to the beach!

Russell Pharmacy is open six days a week! From sticking plasters to sun hats and those all important Sea Legs! Excellent service, good humor and lots of smiles.



Screaming Reels: Screaming Reels is the specialized salt water fishing store in Russell. They provide a wide selection of rods, reels, lures, tackle and salted and frozen bait as well as ice. Furthermore they do Rod and Reel repairs, Reel Service, Line Spooling, Knife and Tool sharpening, as well as Ultrasonic cleaning of Reel parts such as ball bearing.



These are available to rent in Russell throughout the year. Contact us to get current rates and availability at



Russell Tennis Court: Russell has two new tennis courts, available all year round and cheap as chips too! Call into the Russell Booking and Info Centre for a key for the day. Or for membership you can get in contact with Jeremy Bowen on 403 7578



Russell Baptist Church: Family friendly services every Sunday at 10am. Held D’Vine Community Oasis York Street. All welcome and great coffee afterwards.

Christian Fellowship: Held in the Russell Town Hall meeting room on Sunday at 10am. A gathering of worshipers, where all denominations are welcome.

Christ Church: From 1998 local people have taken over the role of a visiting priest, forming a Local Shared Ministry team that encourages the ministry of all, celebrating our taonga, our treasure at the heart of the Russell community. Services every Sunday at 10.30am. 



On Florance Ave. Approximately 2km from Russell

Mon, Wed & Fri - 7:30pm - 1pm

Sat & Sun - 9am - 1pm

Additional hours during summer season from 20 Dec to 13 Feb

Tues and Thur- 7:30pm - 1pm


Real Estate

Ray White Russell, Harcourts, Luxury Real Estate, Bayleys: A great selection of real estate in the Russell Township, Tapeka, Okiato, Orongo Bay, Te Wahapu, Paroa Bay, Parekura Bay, Waipiro Bay, Rawhiti, Bland Bay, Oakura and Whangaruru areas.

Offices for Harcourts, Ray White and Luxury Real Estate are situated in town, come and chat about possibilities.